Thames River Group knows it takes more than just 1 resource to turn your company into something investors will fight over. So we are working hard to build an EcoSystem around our core services in order to provide our clients and potential investments with the resources they need to be a really great company. Be it the information you need to understand investors or sources of staff, technology, or services, we select the very best to refer to.

Partners and Affiliates:

The Thames River Group believes it takes a great team to bring success and sometimes that is hard to come by.  So we have. and continue to, developed an EcoSystem of partners and affiliates who can provide assistance to your firm in its quest for capitalization.  Check out the current list here.

Informational Resources:

The Thames River Group believes that information and knowledge are important to ones’ success.  In order to help you be more successful in your capitalization goals, we wish to provide you with the resources listed below.

Make My Pitch:

The Thames River Group knows a great pitch deck is your First Impression that you give to investors and might just be the only thing they see if it is not what they are after. With decades of experience reviewing Pitch Decks, Executive Summaries and more, and after an extensive objective review of what it takes to make a successful Pitch Deck, the Thames River Group has built a questionnaire and Pitch Deck organization that will best present your firm to investors. We will have one of our experts also review the deck and give comment on your information so you can work on finalizing a great deck. Place your order here.